The Holy
Sundays at 10 AM.
We are wheelchair accessible.
Sunday school is available.
Other Sevices
Ash Wednesday, March 5 - 7 pm
Lenten Wednesday Noonhour Eucharist
March 12 & 26, April 2 & 9
Maundy Thursday, April 17 - 7 pm
Good Friday, April 18 - Noon
Sunday School
Except on Long Weekends
and Summer

Order of Service
Anglican worship often centers on Holy Communion and all baptized believers are welcome to receive.
Our liturgy unfolds in two main parts, Word and Sacrament, reflecting the early church’s devotion to the apostles’ teaching.
The first part of our service brings us together with one another and with God through prayer, Scripture, and reflection.
Procession & Acclamation
The Collects & Prayers
Scripture Lessons & The Gospel
The Sermon
The Creed
Prayers of the People
Confession & Absolution
Passing of the Peace
The second part of our service is the Holy Eucharist, the ongoing sacrament and mystery that sustains us.
The Offering
The Great Thanksgiving
The Lord’s Prayer
Receiving Communion
The Blessing

Need Prayer?
During our services, someone will be available to pray for or with you. If someone isn't available, please don't hesitate to ask our team.
Prayer requests are always confidential.